Meditation is a practice that has been used for centuries to improve focus, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. In this class, we will explore different meditation techniques and how they can be applied in our daily lives.

Our first class will focus on the basics of meditation, including proper posture, breathing techniques, and setting an intention. We will also discuss the benefits of meditation and how to integrate it into your daily routine.

As we progress through the course, we will delve deeper into different meditation practices such as mindfulness meditation, guided meditation, and movement meditation. Each class will include a guided meditation session, as well as time for discussion and questions.

We understand that meditation can be challenging at first, and we encourage you to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to experiment. Our goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your own meditation practice.

In addition to the weekly class, we will also offer additional resources such as recommended readings and guided meditations that you can use at home.

We look forward to meditating with you!

  • Meditation is a practice that has been used for centuries to improve focus, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. In this class, we will explore different meditation techniques and how they can be applied in our daily lives.

    Our first class will focus on the basics of meditation, including proper posture, breathing techniques, and setting an intention. We will also discuss the benefits of meditation and how to integrate it into your daily routine.

    As we progress through the course, we will delve deeper into different meditation practices such as mindfulness meditation, guided meditation, and movement meditation. Each class will include a guided meditation session, as well as time for discussion and questions.

    We understand that meditation can be challenging at first, and we encourage you to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to experiment. Our goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your own meditation practice.

    In addition to the weekly class, we will also offer additional resources such as recommended readings and guided meditations that you can use at home.

    We look forward to meditating with you!

  • Canada
  • 5

By clearskycenter

We are dedicated to creating a space where all are welcome to reconnect with nature and themselves. By offering meditation retreats in B.C., our mission is to empower you to transform struggle and embrace vitality. Read More:

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